Road Rage
Ok Lindsy…a new post just because you nagged me about it
What is it with Oklahoma drivers? Seriously…what is it that happens to people when they get behind the wheel? It’s like something in your brain clicks and you are no longer able to make intelligent decisions. This is why I hate driving. It is quite possibly my least favorite daily activity to participate in.
The following things happened while I was on the road during my lunch hour this afternoon:
What is it with Oklahoma drivers? Seriously…what is it that happens to people when they get behind the wheel? It’s like something in your brain clicks and you are no longer able to make intelligent decisions. This is why I hate driving. It is quite possibly my least favorite daily activity to participate in.
The following things happened while I was on the road during my lunch hour this afternoon:
- A young girl in a green pick up truck was talking on her cell phone while trying to merge onto the highway. To this young girl, I commend your attempt at multi-tasking behind the wheel. I, myself, do this same thing all the time. However, when you are swerving from left to right and cannot manage to stay within the white lines it may be time to put your cell phone down! I’m scared to pass you because it seems quite likely you may side swipe my car. Some states have laws against talking on your cell phone while driving and I’m beginning to think Oklahoma should be one of them.
A yield sign at the end of an on-ramp does NOT mean stop! How do you expect to speed up enough to safely merge onto the interstate if you stop right before you have to merge? If you were meant to stop at this point then there would be a stop sign!!
To construction workers near my office…I realize that you need to travel from site to site throughout the day and you may even need to pile into the bed of a pick-up truck to get to your destination. However, is it really necessary to wave, blow kisses and make other gestures at me while I’m following your truck? I’m only behind you because I have to be. I do not enjoy looking at you and I only continue to look out my front windshield so I can figure out a way to get around you. You are sweaty, stinky, and missing some teeth…I do not find that attractive!
Last but certainly not least. If you are getting ready to pull out of a parking lot and onto a street you need to stop and look both ways BEFORE pulling out. It does nobody any good if you decide to stop in the middle of the road. Now I’m mad at you because I’ve slammed on my brakes to avoid hitting you. On top of that, I now I have to wait for you to back up so I can continue down the road.
Ok what gets me is those old drivers (that look like that can barely walk) going 20 in a 50 and swerving in their lane. I'm terrified to pass these people because I just know they are going to come in my lane.
But what's even better is when you see an old person driving AND talking on their cell phone. :-)
Posted by
A^2 |
2/10/2006 7:17 AM
Yesterday, I'm driving down the street when a woman pulls out of Walgreen's, DOESN'T LOOK in my direction mind you, and I almost hit her. Naturally, out of instinct I hit my horn - mainly because it freaked me out. When I finally get the opportunity to pass her, I realize I know this woman from church. What makes it even worse, she followed me all the way back to the church. Luckily I managed to avoid her once I got inside. My biggest fear was I know this woman is having health problems and I didn't have the heart to tell this woman she pulled right out in front of me and I almost hit her.
Posted by
Stacey |
2/15/2006 1:14 PM