Monday, February 18, 2008 

at random

I have the cutest nephew and niece ever...


Tomorrow evening we are going to see Movin' Out. I don't really know much about the storyline but I always enjoy these types of things so I'm really excited about it.


A few weeks ago my roommate Jamie and I attended Chocolate Decadence here in OKC. It was a lot of fun. If you've never been I highly recommend going next year. It's already on my calendar! We got to sample a HUGE variety of chocolate dishes from several local restaurants and pair it with some great wine. There was a silent auction, live auction, live music and a lot of people to meet. I have a great picture of us to show you but I never installed my scanner after I wiped my computer so you'll just have to imagine how great we looked at the party. haha.


Is there anyone out there with a green thumb who can give me some pointers on keeping plants alive? I've killed a few different ones recently and the only thing that's survived is some ivy that's growing like crazy in my office.

Sunday, February 10, 2008 

You've Got Mail

When I checked the mailbox yesterday I got two surprises. How exciting that they both came on the same day! The first surprise was my new iPod. I ordered it on Wednesday and was not expecting to receive it so quickly. Yes, that's right! I have finally broken down and decided to join the millions of others who can't live without their music, tv shows, movies and pictures in the palm of their hand. I'm rather excited about my new toy and have already gotten some great music and movies for it. I decided to go with the 30GB iPod classic. I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to use up all that space but thought it would be nice to have enough room to hold all my music and never have to worry about switching stuff in and out. Let's all cross our fingers that this is not one of the electronic items that will fall victim to my magnetic aura.

The second surprise came in the form of a passport. I turned in all my paperwork only two weeks ago and I already received it back in the mail. That's amazing considering the process was taking months only a short while ago. Jason and I are planning a trip to Europe in the fall. It will be my first overseas trip and I can hardly contain my excitement. Everyone knows how nervous I am of flying so the flight over the ocean should be interesting to say the least. I'm sure I'll have a good story or two upon my return but for now I'm only thinking about how much fun the trip is going to be. ...and I'll have my new iPod along to help distract me on the flights.

I wonder what will come in the mail tomorrow...

Thursday, February 07, 2008 


My car reached 100,000 miles as I was driving to work yesterday morning. That is such a huge milestone that I had to pull out my camera and take a picture while I was driving...

This first picture reads 99,999 and the second one reads 100,000. The pictures are low quality and blurry but I had to have something to remember this moment by.

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