at random

Tomorrow evening we are going to see Movin' Out. I don't really know much about the storyline but I always enjoy these types of things so I'm really excited about it.

A few weeks ago my roommate Jamie and I attended Chocolate Decadence here in OKC. It was a lot of fun. If you've never been I highly recommend going next year. It's already on my calendar! We got to sample a HUGE variety of chocolate dishes from several local restaurants and pair it with some great wine. There was a silent auction, live auction, live music and a lot of people to meet. I have a great picture of us to show you but I never installed my scanner after I wiped my computer so you'll just have to imagine how great we looked at the party. haha.
Is there anyone out there with a green thumb who can give me some pointers on keeping plants alive? I've killed a few different ones recently and the only thing that's survived is some ivy that's growing like crazy in my office.