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Tuesday, April 04, 2006 

What? Speak into my good ear!

Humor is very important to me. I love to laugh. I think most people would agree that you need to be able to laugh at yourself, right? This applies especially to me. I frequently find myself in humorous situations and if I couldn’t laugh at myself I’m not sure what I would do. I was going through some old pictures the other night and was reminded of some funny things that have happened to me in the past. One such picture made me think of this…

If you know me very well then you know that I am deaf in my right ear. If you’re finding this out for the first time…don’t feel sorry for me. This is how God made me. Having only one good ear has its pros and cons:
• I can sleep on my good ear at night and block out all other sounds so I sleep better
• If I need to plug my ears for any reason I only have to plug one and I still have a free hand to do other things
• I can ignore people I don’t want to talk to and just blame it on not being able to hear them

• Sometimes I don't notice when someone is standing on my bad side and trying to talk to me - if they don’t know that I have a slight hearing impairment they may just assume I’m stuck up
• I have slept through the smoke alarm going off in my house at night
• I can’t tell where sounds are coming from - since I can only hear out of my left ear I always think sounds are coming from my left

This last “con” is very humorous to my friends. I can’t tell you how many times my friends have tried hiding from me and yelling my name. They know I can’t tell where their voice is coming from so I just turn in circles until I find them. Haha. See…I can laugh at myself! I remember when I was little we lived in a tri-level house. My mom would call me from some part of the house and I’d have no idea where she was. This wasn’t really a big deal unless I was in trouble. You know how it is when you’re in trouble and being summoned by your parents…the longer it takes you to reach them, the madder they get. That was unfortunate for me as a child.

My junior year of college I got really sick. I was diagnosed as having hay fever by the doctor on campus. Although he diagnosed everyone with hay fever so I’m not sure how credible his diagnosis was. Anyway, while I was sick I got an ear infection in my good ear. If you’ve ever had an ear infection you may have noticed that you lose most, if not all, of the hearing in that ear until the infection is gone. For those of you keeping track…
One good ear + ear infection in good ear = no hearing

A few of my friends took pity on me and made me a get well sign. It was a sweet gesture. Although I think they were just reveling in the fact that I couldn’t hear and they could say anything they wanted to me. Gotta love friends!

Just a quick reminder to my roommates…If the house alarm, smoke alarm or tornado siren goes off in the middle of the night please make sure I wake up!!

If you need me to beat up on anybody making fun of you, just let me know!
I am not totally deaf in my right ear but during a "Ruptured Ear Drum" contest when I was a kid, I won first place!

Oh, the bad ear. That sure floods my mind with memories from high school and college. Remember when the girls just started referring to you as Bad Ear? Oh, the "good ol' days," right? :) Girl, I'm so glad you are better at laughing at yourself than I am (at laughing at myself, I'm actually quite good at laughing at you). It's something I definitly admire about you!

HEY! Oh the bad ear brings back so many fun memories! Some of my favorite are definitly the times at the club when someone talks to you and you just look at me and say...I have no clue what they said...they were speaking into my bad ear. AND calling your name around campus was always fun... it made me laugh...and I'm sitting in Contracts...NEVER GOOD!
Love ya...see you Thurs

Packrat: What is a ruptured ear drum contest? That sounds painful.

Tabs & Ash: You two are great examples of friends that make fun of my bad ear! haha. I know it's done out of love (it better be anyway!) I'm glad I can provide you with some entertainment.

Lindsy: Maybe I will make you an emergency checklist and in big bold letters write "WAKE UP KRISTA" as the #1 thing to do.

My best friend is the same way and when we go to Church or a movie, it's always a toss up between her husband and I on who gets to sit on her good side.

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